Thinking About Growth

Tools to Help Communities Think About Growth and Sprawl

Thinking About Growth Program
This do- it-yourself program is designed to help individuals and communities think through a variety of growth-related issues.  While we believe that the program is useful in its present form, it is still under development and should be regarded as a "beta test" version.
Sponsoring Organizations
This page was made possible by the following organizations.
  • Environmental Framing Consortium The Framing Consortium has underwritten our research into the growth problem and is responsible for most of the theoretical insights underlying the framing questionnaire.  More information about this work will be published in a book due out in mid-2002 from Island Press.
  • CRInfo: The Conflict Resolution Information Source CRInfo provides the site's search engines, news, and dispute resolution links.
    Conflict Research Consortium The Conflict Consortium at the University of Colorado created and maintains this web site.
Full-Text Searching of Sprawl-Related Web Pages
Search a computer-generated index of the all text in all 650 sprawl-related pages indexed by the project. This capability made possible courtesy of CRInfo (another project of the Conflict Research Consortium.

Environmental Dispute Resolution Links
CRInfo provides extensive links to web sites, books, articles, organizations, and other materials on more than 25 environmental dispute resolution topics. 
Today's News on Sprawl
Through CRInfo's Today's News system we provide links to today's sprawl-related news stories from dozens of  newspapers around the country. (Given the enormous amount of attention being paid to the terrorism crisis, we have, however, noted that there are days when no stories on sprawl are being published.)
CRInfo Catalog Search
You can also search CRInfo's entire catalog of more than 10,000 conflict resolution related resources.


Copyright © 2001 Conflict Research Consortium

Contact: Guy Burgess
Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado
Campus Box 580, Boulder, CO 80309
Phone: (303)492-1635; Fax: (303)492-2154; E-mail: